Wednesday 21 May 2014

Distrito Federal, Brazil

The Federal District of Brazil is not a state, but stands apart as a district, reserved for Brazil’s capital city, Brasilia. As such, it cannot be divided into municipalities, but is split into 29 administrative regions. It is situated in the Central Plateau of this South American country. Brasilia is the home of the three branches of the Federal Government; namely the Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches. The Federal District of Brazil covers a total square kilometre area of 5 802, which is just over 2 200 square miles, and boasts a population of more than 2.4 million people. Although often understood to refer to one place, Brasilia and the Federal District are, in fact, separate entities as the Federal District comprises of places like Taguatinga and Guara in addition to Brasilia.

The history of the Federal District of Brazil is relatively young, since it is not a significant geographical area, but an administrative one. In April of 1960, the civil government was transferred from Catete Palace in Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia. Today, Rio is the capital of the Rio de Janeiro State. The government transferred some of its federal employees to the new capital, making up a large part of the population. Other major inhabitants of the Federal District included Candango workers, who were largely responsible for building Brasilia.
Today, the capital city, Brasilia, is a very structured one. Streets are not named but are assigned letters and numbers according to blocs and sectors. There are residential areas as well as commercial ones, and the Federal District is amply equipped with the necessary infrastructure to sustain its community. Due to overpopulation in Brasilia, many are being forced to move further afield. Almost 100% of the Brasilian residents stay in the urban epicentre.

The Federal District remains one of the architectural gems of South America. This is as a result of President Juscelino Kubitschek who, in 1956, asked the local architects to come up with innovative and creative projects for the new capital. The result continues to characterise the area to this day.Winter is this area’s dry season and is characterised by overwhelming humidity. This period lasts for half the year, as the Federal District of Brazil only has two main seasons (winter and summer). Because of the dry conditions, savannah grasslands form the most common type of vegetation in the area. In 1987, Brasilia was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Significantly, Brasilia will be one of the official Host Cities™ for the 2015 FIFA World Cup™.
Visitors to the Federal District of Brazil should visit the following popular tourist attractions:
• The City Park (Parque da Cidade) – over four million square metres to explore, including sports courts, racing kart track, playgrounds, walking trails and a horse track.
• Three Powers Square (Praça dos Três Poderes).
• The Brasilia Music Festival.

Ceará, Brazil

The eighth largest Brazilian state in terms of population is Ceará, which is situated on the Pacific coastline. Its capital is the vibrant city of Fortaleza, which alone has a population of well over three million people and is the fifth largest city in Brazil.
Although ‘discovered’ by Portuguese explorers in the early part of the 16th century, it was only successfully colonised in 1612 (by the Portuguese Martim Soares Moreno). This was during a time that this country was battling with Holland for political authority over South America. There were several attacks made by the Dutch during the 17th century, some even resulting in their settling in Ceará for some time. During the periods in which they had settled there, they founded Fortaleza, then called Fort Schoonenburg. However, their occupation of the area was always temporary. Eventually, in 1661, the Brazilian territory was formally handed over to the Portuguese, resulting in the cessation of the conflict that had existed for decades. Ceará was a dependency of Pernambuco until 1799, when the Captaincy of Ceará gained independence.

Then, when the entire country of Brazil was fighting for independence from European rule in the early 1800’s, Ceará was the site of a strong rebel force. In 1822, the region (captaincy) was declared a province. However, this only lasted for two years and, in 1924, the area was a republic. Significantly, Ceará was one of the very first places in the country to do away with the system of slavery.
The state of Ceará has a total area of just under 150 000 square kilometres. It is bordered by Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba, Pernambuco and Piauí as well as by the blue waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Its beautiful coast stretches for an impressive 573 kilometres and attracts locals and tourists alike to share in the pristine beauty of these beaches. Other parts of the state lie on the Brazilian Highlands, which consist of high mountains and deep valleys. These highlands produce rich foliage, much of which bears edible fruit for consumption and export. Ceará is not particularly rich in rivers. Those that do exist are usually small and dry up in the driest months. The most significant river in terms of size is Jaguaribe.

The vegetation of this state varies from mangroves and jungles to scrublands and dense tropical forests. Caatinga is another prevalent form of vegetation in Ceará, and is characterised by scrubby forests. This is a type of vegetation that is endemic to Brazil. This state suffers from very dry, harsh conditions during some seasons, resulting in the desertification of many areas at these times. In general, the climate is humid on the coast and dry further inland, but always hot. The average noon temperature is between 33 and 40 degrees Celsius. The rainy season is between January and June, while July to December is the dry season.
The service sector is the most dominant industry player, making up more than 50% of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product). This is followed by industry, agriculture and export. Ceará exports, amongst other products, leather shoes, crustaceans, cashew nuts and fruit.
The main tourist attractions in Ceará include:
• Canoa Quebrada Beach
• Morro Branco
• Praia Do Futuro
• The colonial buildings of Aracati
• The House of Miracles in Fortaleza

Bahia, Brazil

Bahia is situated on the coast, with the turquoise Atlantic Ocean lapping at its shores. This state is in the northeast of Brazil, South America. Bahia is the fourth most populous Brazilian state. Its capital city is São Salvador da Bahia de Todos os Santos, commonly shortened to Salvador. It is bordered by Sergipe, Alagoas, Pernambuco, Piauí, Goiás, Tocantins, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo. The name, Bahia, means “bay” and refers to the sight of the bay that the first European explorers stumbled across in 1501.

 Once found, Bahia was claimed by the Portuguese. Under their rule, the city of Salvador was established, and thereafter became the administrative and religious epicentre of all of the Portuguese-owned areas in the Americas. Between the 1500’s and 1700’s, Bahia was a prime area for its sugar plantations and industry, translating to an enormous influx of

 people, including African slaves. Even after the rest of Brazil had gained independence from Portuguese rule, Bahia remained loyal to the Europeans. It was only much later (in 1823) that this area became independent.
The Atlantic Forest makes up the vast majority of Bahia’s natural landscape. There is a chain of mountains, called Chapada Diamantina, which winds its way through the state. This range divides the state into an east section and a west section. The east is rich and fertile with regular rain, while the west is less developed and harsher in terms of its natural vegetation. The west is arid, but enjoys the supply of water that it receives from the São Francisco River. The coastline is the longest in Brazil, measuring over 1 100 kilometres, or 685 miles. In general, the climate in Bahia is Tropical.

In terms of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product), the industrial sector is the most significant player. This is followed by agriculture, and the export of chemicals, fuels, paper, cacao, and so on. Bahia produces and exports more cacao than any other state in Brazil.
The main regions of Bahia comprise:
• The Coconut Coast – named as such for its extensive coconut groves, this area is on the coast and also boasts glorious rivers and impressive sand dunes.
• All Saints Bay – this is the largest bay on the coast of the country and is home to 56 islands. It is popular for its water sports and tropical beaches.
• Dendê Coast – this area has an array of different floral species. It provides the ideal escape for tourists wanting to relax on deserted beaches or walk through dense rain forests.
• Cacao Coast – pristine beaches are lined with coconut groves in this ecological wonderland. Wetland forests and cacao groves combine with reefs, rivers and islands for gorgeous vistas.
• The Discovery Coast – excursions along the cliffs, beaches and river beds are a must in this unspoilt part of Bahia.
• The Whale Coast – as its name implies, this area is ideal for whale watching between July and November, attracting visitors from all over the world during this peak season.
• The Diamantina Tableland Region – this is a particularly mountainous area that is traversed by thousands of kilometres of fresh water rivers.

Amazonas, Brazil

The largest state in Brazil is Amazonas, which is bordered by Roraima, Pará, Mato Grosso, Rondônia, Acre, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela. This state is situated in the northwest of this South American country. As its name implies, this state is almost entirely covered by the Amazon Rainforest and enjoys the splendour of the massive Amazon River, which winds its way through Brazil, bringing with it an array of species from the plant and animal kingdoms. In addition, this area is notable for being the home of Brazil’s highest mountain, Pico da Neblina, which is 2 994 metres, or 9 823 feet, above sea level.

During the 15th century, the entire area of the Amazon basin belonged to Spain. However, it was only in the following century that explorers began to traverse this intriguing countryside, investigating its natural abundance and its suitability for settling and for various trade opportunities. With the goal of introducing Christianity to the native people that were living in the jungles, several Spanish mission stations were established, bringing with them lay preachers and missionaries from Europe. These ones eventually settled, creating a new generation of children from mixed origin.
Over the decades and centuries that followed, Amazonas was a topic of dispute, as different European entities vied for political control. Slavery and deforestation plagued this state, along with many others in Brazil. During the 1800’s, Amazonas experienced an influx of people from around the world, who held high hopes for their part in the rubber boom.
Today, the capital city of Amazonas is Manaus. This was once a very rich city and was, at one stage, more advanced than the likes of London, England. Once the rubber rush was over, though, this epicentre became somewhat neglected and derelict. Still, it is home to approximately 17 million people today.

Amazonas is subtropical, meaning that it is hot and humid. These conditions are experienced all year round, with no dry season. The vegetation is made up almost entirely of tropical rainforest comprises 1) submerged land, 2) land that is only submerged during very wet seasons and 3) low plateaus.
There are currently just under 3.5 million inhabitants in Amazonas. The major cities in this state include Benjamin Constant, Tefé, Lábrea, Eirunepe, Manicoré, Itacoatiara and Parintins. The population in Amazonas was boosted in an enormous way during the rubber boom, with a huge population in numbers during the 20th century. Over three quarters of the residents of this state are in urban areas, while less than 20% live in the more rural countryside. .
In terms of the Gross Domestic Product (or GDP), the industrial sector is the largest in the state, representing about 70%. This is followed by the service and agricultural sectors. Cassava and oranges are two of its main agricultural products.
Suggested tourist activities in Amazonas:
• Tour the rain forests and experience the array of plant and animal life contained within
• Go fishing on the Rio Negro River, home to an abundance of fish species

Alagoas, Brazil

Alagoas is nestled between Pernambuco and Serhipe in the north-eastern part of the country of Brazil. Its capital city is Maceió, which is a popular tourist destination, particularly favoured for its beautiful beaches and delicious array of seafood. One of the borders of Alagoas is created by the impressive São Francisco River.
During the 16th century, Alagoas had been part of the Pernambuco (a Brazilian state situated in the north-east of the country) captaincy. However, King John VI of Portugal ordered that a significant part of the territory then belonging to Pernambuco as a result of a revolution be taken away from it. Some of the region was given to Bahia, while the other was made independent; that is, Alagoas.

Alagoas developed slowly. When African slaves were introduced to South America, they increased the work force and the amount of trade and labour being carried out in this area, making Alagoas a slightly more prominent area in the local economy. During the 1500’s and 1600’s, pirates frequently invaded the area in search of the Brazil wood, which was a valuable commodity. Sugar plantations and mills were established, some of which still exist today as a remnant of this history. Eventually, in 1630, the Dutch seized this territory, keen to take control of the booming sugar industry. At this time, Alagoas was one of the richest captaincies in South America. This situation only lasted until the Dutch were defeated just 16 years later, which saw them abandoning the territory completely.
The coastline comprises a number of exquisite beaches and intriguing reefs. It is also characterised by a fascinating network of lakes and lagoons, from where the state actually got its name. The beaches are bordered by rolling green hills. In fact, because of the rains that fall in these hilly areas, they were once the perfect locale for the sugar cane crops of years ago.

Further inland is the Sertão of the Northeast, which is a high-lying area that is very dry, occupied with thorny bushes and other scrub vegetation. The entire state is almost 28 000 square kilometres (or 11 000 square miles) in area and has a population of over 3.1 million people.
Today, Alagoas is one of the poorest states in this South America country. The main economic producer is made up by the service sector, while the industrial and agricultural sectors also do relatively well.
As the tourists continue to find delight in the secluded beaches and rustic towns of Alagoas, some areas, such as the capital, Maceió, have expanded their services and resources to accommodate these visitors from all over the world. Other places, like Maragogi and Japaratinga, are starting to establish tourist resorts and the like for the benefit of international visitors.
During your time in Alagoas, you are urged to see:
• The Festa Junina (Saint John Festival) on 24 June each year
• Pajuçara Beach in Maceió
• Nossa Senhora Da Corrente
• São Francisco (São Francisco / Nossa Senhora dos Anjos)
• São Gonçalo Garcia

Mosteiro de Sao Bento Church in Olinda, Pernambuco, Brazil.

Tourism is becoming a major industry in Brazil, particularly as the 2014 FIFA World Cup™, to which it is host, draws ever closer. Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo are two of the most visited destinations in the country, offering visitors (whether in the country on business or pleasure) a fabulous peek into the complex heritage and natural spectacle of Brazil. Tourism rates sky-rocketed from the year 2000 onwards as awareness of its multifaceted appeal rose. There was a period between 2006 and 2008 that economic issues hindered the tourism industry somewhat. However, Brazil is the most visited country in the continent of South America today.
While the major draw-cards to Brazil continue to be its unique cultural integrity coupled with its absolute beauty, it is also a viable business-related destination. Services, industry and agriculture make up the vast majority of its annual GDP, and ensure that corporate personalities from around the world visit the manufacturing plants, corporate giants, and so on that have their headquarters based in Brazil.
The main natural attractions in Brazil are:
• The Amazon Jungle
• The Amazon River
• The many other rainforests of this tropical and subtropical region
• The extensive beaches and bays that line the coast
• The many unique and fascinating plant and animal species in Brazil
Because of the abundance and accessibility of many of its natural attractions, Brazil has also become acclaimed for its increasing focus on eco-tourism. This means that service providers and locals, in addition to those visiting the destination, are aware of and actively promoting tourism that does not harm the environment or its resources. In fact, support of and participation in some of the attractions and activities actually aid the local communities to preserve and protect the plants, animals and landscapes around them for the future enjoyment of other generations.
Most of the international visitors hail from Argentina, Italy and the United States of America. Interestingly, tourist visa requirements have been waived for many countries; including Greece, Italy, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, Turkey and many more.
Whether for their historical import, cultural contribution or natural resplendence, the following places have been deemed to be World Heritage Sites by the official body of UNESCO:

• Ouro Preto (a historic town) – declared as a World Heritage Site in 1980
• Olinda (a historic centre) – declared a World Heritage Site in 1982
• Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis: including San Ignacio Mini, Santa Ana, and the Ruins of Sao Miguel das Missoes - declared a World Heritage Site in 1984
• Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Congonhas - declared a World Heritage Site in 1985
• Salvador de Bahia (a historic centre) - declared a World Heritage Site in 1985
• Iguacu National Park - declared a World Heritage Site in 1986
• Brasilia - declared a World Heritage Site in 1987

Dubai Turism

 Hello, I know its summer, and we all take vacations in this time of year, so if you are thinking where to go, in this article I present you a
great destination, DUBAI. First look some photo gallery below, and then at the end of this article, read the few words about Dubaitourism. I hope I will help you in your chose of destination to travel to!!! :)

International arrivals to the UAE increased healthily in 2012, reaching an estimated 11 million tourists delegates heard today at the latest WTM Vision Conference – Dubai held at Reed Travel Exhibition’s event Arabian Travel Market.
Overall performance of inbound trips to the Middle East region were down 5% last year mainly due to the decline of arrivals to those countries hit by the Arab Spring, which took place in 2011 effecting countries such as Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Syria.
However, the UAE witnessed a substantial increase with an estimated 11 million tourist arrivals visiting the Emirates; over 8 million visiting Dubai, 2 million to Abu Dhabi and the rest to the other 5 emirates. All states continuing to show the best hotel occupancy rates due their strong leisure appeal and strong MICE sector.
Of the 11 million arrivals to the UAE, neighboring country Saudi Arabia made up the top source market for inbound tourism, with 1,500,000 tourists coming from Saudi Arabia alone. Visitor numbers from the largest Arab state to the UAE are predicated to double over the next 5 years to more than 3,000,000 arrivals.
Speaking at the WTM Vision Conference – Dubai, Euromonitor International’s Senior Research Analyst Sana Toukan explained that the UAE offers a culturally similar but more relaxed tourist destination for Saudis and is particularly popular among the growing young population.
Toukan explained: “The UAE promotes itself as a luxury shoppers’ paradise, with elaborate destination malls, shopping festivals, no sales tax and lower prices than in many surrounding countries. Luxury brands are a huge focus for incoming tourists from all over the globe.”
Another Middle Eastern country to prosper since the 2011 Arab Spring was Egypt, recording a strong 18% growth in 2012, although arrival numbers are still far from the 14 million recorded in 2010.
Also, as highlighted in the World Travel Market 2012 Industry Report, Libya has vast tourism potential with its long Mediterranean coast and Roman antiquities, but it has yet to achieve much progress since the revolution finished in 2011.
WTM Vision Conferences were also held in Moscow, Beijing and Sao Paulo earlier this year, with Rimini Italy (October 17) also confirmed.
Reed Travel Exhibitions Director World Travel Market Simon Press said: “It is great to hear that recovery has been seen in a number of Middle Eastern and North African countries such as the UAE, Egypt and Tunisia. However the danger still remains with the unrest and on-going violence in Syria which could affect neighboring countries.
“The content delegates have heard today confirms the growing importance of the Middle Eastern market, particularly the UAE, taking into consideration the pressures and conflicts that countries have witnessed over the last few years.  I’m sure the research revealed to delegates at WTM Vision Conference – Dubai will enable them to get a head start of their competitors in maximizing their future potential.”

As I said, you can now read below, a few words about Dubai tourism:

Tourism is an important part of the Dubai government's strategy to maintain the flow of foreign cash into the emirate. Dubai's lure for tourists is based mainly on shopping, but also on its possession of other ancient and modern attractions. 

As of 2010, Dubai was the 8th most visited city of the world. Dubai is expected to accommodate over 15 million tourists by 2015. Dubai is the most populous emirate of the seven emirates of United Arab Emirates. It is distinct from other members of the UAE in that a large part of the emirate's revenues are from tourism.

Dubai has been called the "shopping capital of the Middle East". Dubai alone has more than 70 shopping malls, including the world's largest shopping mall, Dubai Mall. The city draws large numbers of shopping tourists from countries within the region and from as far as Eastern Europe, Africa and the Indian Subcontinent. While boutiques, some electronics shops, department stores and supermarkets operate  on a fixed-price basis, most other outlets consider friendly negotiation a way of life.

Dubai is also known for its souk districts located on either side of the creek. Traditionally, dhows from East Asia,  China, Sri Lanka, and India would discharge their cargo and the goods would be bargained over in the souks adjacent to the docks. 

Many boutiques and jewellery stores are also found in the city. Dubai is known as "the City of Gold" and Gold Souk in Deira houses nearly 250 gold retail shops. Dubai Duty Free Company at the Dubai International Airport offers merchandise catering to the multinational passengers using the airport. (wiki)

International arrivals to the UAE increased healthily in 2012, reaching an estimated 11 million tourists delegates heard today at the latest WTM Vision Conference – Dubai held at Reed Travel Exhibition’s event Arabian Travel Market.
Overall performance of inbound trips to the Middle East region were down 5% last year mainly due to the decline of arrivals to those countries hit by the Arab Spring, which took place in 2011 effecting countries such as Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Syria.
However, the UAE witnessed a substantial increase with an estimated 11 million tourist arrivals visiting the Emirates; over 8 million visiting Dubai, 2 million to Abu Dhabi and the rest to the other 5 emirates. All states continuing to show the best hotel occupancy rates due their strong leisure appeal and strong MICE sector.
Of the 11 million arrivals to the UAE, neighboring country Saudi Arabia made up the top source market for inbound tourism, with 1,500,000 tourists coming from Saudi Arabia alone. Visitor numbers from the largest Arab state to the UAE are predicated to double over the next 5 years to more than 3,000,000 arrivals.

Speaking at the WTM Vision Conference – Dubai, Euromonitor International’s Senior Research Analyst Sana Toukan explained that the UAE offers a culturally similar but more relaxed tourist destination for Saudis and is particularly popular among the growing young population.
Toukan explained: “The UAE promotes itself as a luxury shoppers’ paradise, with elaborate destination malls, shopping festivals, no sales tax and lower prices than in many surrounding countries. Luxury brands are a huge focus for incoming tourists from all over the globe.”
Another Middle Eastern country to prosper since the 2011 Arab Spring was Egypt, recording a strong 18% growth in 2012, although arrival numbers are still far from the 14 million recorded in 2010.
Also, as highlighted in the World Travel Market 2012 Industry Report, Libya has vast tourism potential with its long Mediterranean coast and Roman antiquities, but it has yet to achieve much progress since the revolution finished in 2011.
WTM Vision Conferences were also held in Moscow, Beijing and Sao Paulo earlier this year, with Rimini Italy (October 17) also confirmed.
Reed Travel Exhibitions Director World Travel Market Simon Press said: “It is great to hear that recovery has been seen in a number of Middle Eastern and North African countries such as the UAE, Egypt and Tunisia. However the danger still remains with the unrest and on-going violence in Syria which could affect neighboring countries.
“The content delegates have heard today confirms the growing importance of the Middle Eastern market, particularly the UAE, taking into consideration the pressures and conflicts that countries have witnessed over the last few years.  I’m sure the research revealed to delegates at WTM Vision Conference – Dubai will enable them to get a head start of their competitors in maximizing their future potential.”

World Cup Stadium, Brazil

SECOPA, the local government agency that runs the Mane Garrincha National Stadium in Brasilia, will ask the company that rebuilt it to explain why parts of the roof let in rain during the women’s match between Brazil and Chile.
Local media reported that almost the entire lower ring of the stands was soaked. SECOPA however played down the problem, saying the leaks were not serious and would not affect any of the matches being played there during next year’s World Cup.
“Because it is a new, grandiose and complex stadium, some small points are still being corrected and tested but there is nothing that compromises the running of the stadium or the holding of events there,” SECOPA said in a statement.
The stadium comes with a five-year guarantee and any repair work will be paid for by the builders, SECOPA added.
The national stadium in the capital Brasilia cost more than 1.2 billion Real (508.99 million dollars). It will stage six World Cup matches including a quarter-final and the third-place playoff.
The venue was inaugurated in May and it hosted the opening match of the Confederations Cup between Brazil and Japan in June. It has held 17 major events since then, including several first division football matches, stadium officials said.
At least three of the six World Cup stadiums still to be finished before the tournament kicks off in June will be handed over behind schedule. A total of five people have died while working on the 12 venues, including one man in Brasilia.
In related news a Sao Paulo state Labor Ministry official said the man who operated the crane that collapsed at the city's World Cup stadium had worked 18 days in a row. Two construction workers were killed in the Nov. 27 accident, which remains under investigation.
An Internet portal quotes the ministry's regional superintendent Luis Antonio Medeiros as saying time cards showed the crane operator at the Arena Corinthians stadium “was 18 days without any break.”
Medeiros said there wasn't necessarily a cause and effect relationship between the accident and the operator's string of workdays. But, he added, “We think that's exhausting for someone who works such a delicate machine.”

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Panama Canal

The history of the Panama Canal dates back to the 16th century. After obtaining the riches of Peru, Ecuador, and Asia and measuring the time taken for the gold to reach to Spain, it was suggested to Charles V that the trips would be made much shorter by cutting off a piece of land near Panama. This involved fewer risks in transporting the treasures through the isthmus.

A survey was ordered for the isthmus. Following this, a working plan for a canal was drawn in the year 1529. The project was put on permanent hold due to the wars in Europe. The cravings for the control of kingdoms in the Mediterranean Sea also played a major role.
According to the history of the Panama Canal, a Spanish officer suggested an alternative canal route in 1534. This route was in close proximity to the present canal. Subsequently, several other plans were suggested for the canal. However, there was lack of action. The Spanish Government was quick to abandon its interest in the canal.

Books by German researcher Alexander von Humboldt revived interest in the canal in the early 19th century. The Spanish Government started construction of the canal formally in 1819. They selected a company to build it. Americans showed growing interest in the construction when gold was discovered in California in 1848. There was an increased rush among would-be miners.
Between 1850 and 1875 many surveys were conducted. These surveys indicated that only two routes were practical: one across Panama and the other across Nicaragua. An international company was founded in 1876. After a period of two years a concession was obtained from the Colombian government to create a canal across the isthmus. The international community met with failure, and a French company was approached in 1880 by Ferdinand Marie de Lesseps, who was the builder of the Suez Canal.

De Lesseps proposed a sea-level canal in 1879. He had tasted success with the construction of the Suez Canal in Egypt some ten years earlier. This gave de Lesseps confidence to complete the circle of water around the world.

There would be a dramatic reduction in time and mileage while traveling from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean, and vice versa. It was expected to save 18,000 miles a trip from New York to San Francisco.
Despite knowing that de Lesseps was not an engineer, he was appointed chairman in the construction of the Panama Canal. When he took charge, he helped in the organization of an International Congress for the discussion of several schemes in the construction of a canal for ships. De Lesseps chose a sea-level canal, which was based on the model of the Suez Canal. He argued that if a sea-level canal worked while constructing the Suez Canal, the results should be similar for the Panama Canal.

1899 saw the creation of an Isthmian Canal Commission by the US Congress. Its aim was to examine the possibilities of a Central American Canal. It was also supposed to recommend a route. A route through Nicaragua was first suggested but later reversed.

The Great Blue Hole Belize

Great Blue Hole Belize is the largest blue hole in the world. It is a huge underwater sinkhole near the coast of Belize. It is situated near the center of Lighthouse Reef, which is a small atoll 60 miles east of the mainland of Belize. Great Blue Hole Belize is perfectly circular in shape. It is 480 feet deep and the diameter comprises 1000 feat.

Great Blue Hole Belize is caused by repeated collapses of a limestone cave system formed during the course of the last ice age.
The outer edge of the blue hole is barely a few feet underwater at high tide. The depth reaches 480 feet as the atoll lies on a geographic fault block, which has subsided into the basin through geologic time. It is quite difficult to get there.

 This wonderful natural phenomenon is home to a premier diving site. It was made famous by Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who declared it to be the among the top scuba diving sites on the planet. He brought his ship called Calypso and one-man submarines in 1971 to explore the hole. The depths were charted out and the stalactites hanging from walls were examined.
In a sharp contrast to rumors, Cousteau’s son, Philippe, did not die here. He was killed in a helicopter accident. It is also unlikely that Cousteau used explosive to destroy the patch reefs. However, he did remove a tiny area, which helped the Calypso reach the Blue Hole

The journey to the Great Blue Hole Belize has been equated to a prehistoric one in terms of time and place. These formations are called blue holes due to the deep blue color caused by the amazing depth. Coral surrounds the hole, with the exception of two narrow channels. At low tide, it breaks the surface into many areas.
Pederson’s cleaning shrimp abound in large numbers. They inhabit the ringed and knobby anemones. In addition, neon gobies display their cleaning prowess from the numerous coral heads. Also seen in large numbers are the angelfish, butterfly fish, and hamnlets. Elkhorn coral tend to grow on the surface, while purple sea fans sweep at the water surface.

 The deeper areas within the blue hole do not have the same profusion of life. This can be attributed to poor circulating water and a scarcity of light.
Local inhabitants are of the opinion that Great Blue Hole Belize should be one of Seven Wonders of the World. For years, it has been protected by the Belize Audubon Society. It was assigned world heritage status in 1997.

The Blue hole served as a dry cave for millions of years. Stalactites and stalagmites formed slowly over the course of years. With the end of the Ice Age, sea levels rose and covered the cave.
The cave ceiling collapsed due to a massive earthquake. This gave rise to the sinkhole. The Lighthouse Reef subsequently tilted by 12 degrees. Ledges and overhangs adorn the walls of this former cave. There are plenty of Pleistocene stalactites, stalagmites, and columns.

Blue Hole Belize

Diving in Belize gives the unique opportunity for divers to explore the famous Blue Hole. Blue Hole Belize is part of the lighthouse reef system. It is located nearly 60 miles off the mainland of Belize City. Blue Hole Belize offers the most spectacular site for diving on the face of the planet. It lies in the center of Lighthouse Reef.

The hole is a large and circular stretching for nearly a quarter of a mile in diameter. The blue hole is 480 feet deep. Blue Hole Belize gets its color from the depth of water. Structures similar to the ones found in Belize are termed Blue holes.

The blue hole resembles a giant pupil in the midst of turquoise water. The hole is a perfectly circular limestone sinkhole that stretches for 300 feet across. The hole has a wide array of stalactites and limestone formations. They appear more intense as you go deeper. The blue hole is Belize’s largest protected area. Half Moon Caye Natural Monument lies near the blue hole. It comprises nearly 10,000 acres of land and 15 square miles of surrounding waters.
The circular reef area comprises of a diameter of nearly 1000 feet. It is an ideal habitat for corals to flourish. During low tide, the corals break the surface at many 

With the exception of two narrow channels, the hole is surrounded by reef. The hole serves as the opening point for the system of caves and passage ways that intrude this undersea mountain. There are many limestone stalactites that hang from the ceiling of once air-filled caves during the last Ice Age. With the melting of the ice, the sea level rose. This flooded the caves. At 130 feet, the temperature of the blue hole touches 76 degree Fahrenheit. The temperature remains fairly constant throughout the year.

The 400-feet depth makes the blue hole a bottomless pit. At a depth of 110 feet visitors get a good view of the stalactite formations that generally angle back. This allows divers to get below monstrous overhangs. Hovering around the stalactites, divers are often humbled by the knowledge that these formations were once above the surface of sea millions of years ago. This feeling is deepened when the divers are forced to breathe nitrogen, which has dizzying effects. Water at this depth is motionless, with the visibility touching 200 feet.
The deep, blue waters of the hole are home to blacktip tigers and hammerhead sharks. However, on diving expeditions you are more likely to view only your diving partner. There is a scarcity of light at the blue hole, and the water fails to circulate in a free manner. Therefore, the deeper regions within the blue hole are not rich in life forms. There are plenty of life forms near the rim of the hole.

There are plenty of cleaning shrimp that inhabit the ringed and knobby anemones. These shrimp entice you by the frantic waving of their antennae. Neon gobies also display their cleaning services from the numerous coral heads. Angel fish and butterfly fish are also commonly spotted

Tourist Attractions, Cuba

There are many tourist attractions in Cuba. Tourism in Cuba has evolved over the years. The government as well as the local inhabitants have realized that tourism can rake in the moolah. The history of Cuba has many unique events. Tourist attractions Cuba are focused on the present status of the country. The rich past is often forgotten.

Cubans are generally very hospitable. The music scenario is red hot in Cuba. The beaches are special and ideal for spending a vacation. Cuba is more likely to exce

Strolling the Malecon

Havana’s Malecon runs along the water front. It is arguably the most famous attraction in entire Cuba. This walkway for pedestrians was built in the early 1900s. It features six lanes of prime city roadway. It serves as the primary artery of the city’s roads. It is an ideal place for social gatherings. It also serves as a parade route for unique festivals. It is a beautiful place to watch the sun set. It is important to soak in at least part of Malecon. The stretch along Central Havana includes several historic buildings.

Old Havana

Cubans refer to Old Havana as La Habana Vieja. It serves as a tourist magnet. The government of Cuba knows its importance. Recently, a lot of efforts were directed to renovate the structures of colonial era. Old churches and mansions are just some of the reasons to make it one of the famous tourist attractions in Cuba. Old Havana has been assigned world heritage status by UNESCO. This is also the place to find the renowned Havana hotels. It is still possible to avail a guided tour through Old Havana. You may also indulge in an exclusive walking tour.


Cuba has nearly 3000 miles of pristine coastline. There are also several cays and islands. Varadero, Cayo Coco, and Cayo Largo are popular beach destinations. Here, you can indulge in a variety of water sports, soak in the sun, and enjoy the tranquil Caribbean waters. Cuba has some of the finest beaches. There are also plenty of resorts where you can enjoy a luxuriant stay. Most resorts in Cuba offer all-inclusive packages. This reduces the burden of planning for meals and accommodations. You can instead concentrate on fun activities. To enhance the beach experience, you may consult a travel agency for guided tours.

Live Music Performance

Cuban Music draws heavy influence from the Afro-Cuban roots of the country. Cuban music is original and innovative at the same time. Visitors should visit the several nightclubs. Alternatively, they can visit the music houses of the country, where they can shake a leg to live salsa or Cuban jazz. They should make it a priority to see the veteran masters deliver the Cuban ‘Son’ pronounced ‘Sone’. Son is an important music genre. The credit for shaping the Cuban music industry goes to Buena Vista Social Club. There are several Cuban cities that are renowned for their free concerts held in public plazas. Witnessing a live music performance in Cuba is highly recommended.

Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean. It is an archipelago of islands that could be found in the northern Caribbean Sea where Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean meets.the Cuba holidays to the fullest and do not miss to try the Cuba shopping and cuisines of Cuba. This will become your lifetime memorable experience.